The ‘Free vs Open’ dilemma


People often get confused when they think or are asked about Free Software and Open Source Software. They both sound the same, don’t they ? That’s the reason why these two terms are used interchangeably. But, there is a difference between the two.

To start with, Free Software distribution is done under the Free Software Movement, headed by the Free Software Foundation (an organization for fund-raising for GNU). Here, the source program can be distributed across different platforms, in its compiled form as well as in modified form. The source code can be used for studying, modifying and even redistributing the modified source code is permitted. It gives the user the freedom to use the program for any reason, as long as it is under General Public License (GPL). The modifications made by one author to the source code must also be made available to the community. Now once the program is “opened” to the community, it cannot be “closed”, until every author (including those who made even the slightest modification) provides his/her consent.

So, free software can be free for distribution purposes, but you can be charged for the source code. Sounds absurd, right ? Well, the vendor may give you liberties regarding the compiled program, but to have liberties for the source code, they can make you pay for it.

Open Source software, on the other hand, was a term that was coined in 1998, as a substitute for Free Software. The naivety of the media caused the public into believing that shareware, freeware and open-source software were all one and the same thing. While they were different terms.

Open Source Initiative (OSI) is an organization that exists to support the open source software movement. Under it, the source code as well as the compiled program is redistributable. Since, it does not have its own specific license, it allows companies to create their own licenses and have them certified by the OSI. Most of the companies which do not want their software to be released under the GPU license, go for the open source option.

Free Software foundation uses a specific license and provides softwares under that license.

OSI, on the other hand, reaches out for the support of company wanting to publish software under its very own license.

BSD, one such license approved by OSI, puts forwards conditions under which the source code may be made available to the user. If the source code is damaged, or used in an inappropriate manner, the author of the source code is well compensated.

While both Free Software distribution and the Open Source Initiative may differ in approach and ideologies, they are converging towards one common goal – providing free and open source software (FOSS).

The countdown begins


       Well here we are a week away from the opening event to the heights of Asgard, and let me tell you we are that busy planning that even our assignments are being done by our friends/brothers-in-arms. Going by the response we are thinking that it would not be less than an apocalypse, and to control it would be quite a feat.

       All the events have been accounted for and, all the boxes crossed off. The only thing left for you is to be there in body and mind. Or as Linus Torvalds says “In real open source, you have the right to control your own destiny”, so be there to take control of your destiny and freedom.

       Learn about sharing and the joys of GitHub that have helped many a project go off into the starlight of brilliance and achievement. Be there to learn about the power you get from the Mozilla Products that are so diverse that it would take a lifetime to learn about all the nooks and crooks of every single one of them, and as they keep advancing well probably never quite the lot. Be there to learn how to earn income the way we all have heard of, i.e. blogging, that we never truly got the hang of. Learn about how you can do your internship this summer doing what you like and without the bureaucratic melodrama that we are all so tired of.

     Well this is where I begin the countdown…

6 days and some measly hours to go by.

See you all there to TAKE CONTROL!!!





Hi all,

         The days are stepping away and we are much closer to our first event “MOZCAFE” scheduled on      23rd of this month. We step one step closer, but the sky is the limit for our endeavor.

                                   The second meet-up of the minds transpired on 13th February to discuss the pathways and what we as a whole have to work towards regarding the future. There were many questions that were to be clarified, stones that had to be unturned, and mysteries to be unraveled in our future journey. And we are on our way ahead to accomplish our goal.

       We love decentralization and hence there we were giving responsibilities to one and all, looking to pave a way and enable people come out of their shells to be what they are meant to be. Many of the leads already are experienced and motivational and let me tell you, we came to realize many unknown truths about things we were doing wrong.

       Enough about the day, lets get back to the topic on hand, what we assembled to discuss, the start of the foundation of our footprint, “MozCafe”. As Plato says “The beginning is the most important part of the work”, and lo and behold there we were burning the midnight oil to try and make the event a grand opener unlike other.  However don’t take our words to mean that we had no fun. It was a fun atmosphere regardless of the bounds of the junior-senior predicament. Many secrets were divulged and many more ties made amongst us. There were some laughs abound, sometimes at mercy of one of us, and sometimes they were there just there for no reason at all.

                                   OK, seriously, this is where I tell you about the event, so open your minds to the force and listen closely. Leading the event will be ReMo Shahid Farooqui to talk on Mozilla OS and various other projects of Mozilla. You might think you know enough about them, but THE OPEN is unprecedented, so there will be a tidbit even for the most experienced veterans. Internships are something we all love to get, but curiously enough seldom do we get them in the field we desire, so get ready to learn about how to do the same with the power of GSoC in your hands. Sadly, VCSs aren’t that known or used outside of the truly gifted circles or the industrial world, so get ready to be known with the use of GitHub. Just imagine yourself to be a person who buys software and later on after few months finds that a newer version of that software has arrived in the market. Well, you will totally get frustrated and will again have to waste more money to get the new software. So here comes the need of open source software. Last but not the least, we have all learnt of the wonders of Blogging, but seldom do we know the tricks to use them effectively, so get ready to unlock the mysteries hidden deep beneath the trenches of Mordor.

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 So continuing our endeavor to promote open source, we need your support. Well that is all for today, till we meet again…




Introduction To Firefox OS


The best open source organization in the world had created an amazing mobile-based platform where you can rediscover your smartphone experience with blazing speed, flawless multi-tasking and smooth and user-friendly interface. Jazz up your smartphone with this new innovative OS. And you know what, you can get it in your android smartphone right now!

To know more,
click on the link below…

Members Meeting.


imagesFirefox club Day#1:

Hey guys! It was our first meeting today and we came up with our agenda for 2014.

List of events 2014:

1. Mozilla add-on designing (March)
2. Web designing (July)
3. Logo designing (August)
4. Video editing (September)
5. Thimble (October)
6. Hackathon (November)

We are looking forward for an interactive session with our iiitians to inform you about these events and a representative from Mozilla will brief you on how you can contribute to Mozilla. And you guys, rest assured, will be benefited.

The info about the dates and events will be updated soon..

“Promote open source!”