Mozcafe: The Open Perspective


On 23rd Feb 2014 1500 hrs IST, the IIITA Firefox Club laid its baby steps with their first event, “Mozcafe”, which was to introduce the IIITians to Open Source and its powers and the projects helmed by Mozilla that try to help is in all our dealing with the open web. Also this was the launching pad for our club, where new bonds were formed and old ones rekindled. With regular contributions from the community, we strive to reach a position, where our club would be counted in the revered ones at Mozilla Foundation.

But all this didn’t happen at once for us. It was a long journey to traverse, but the fruits were worth the hard work. We all were just discussing about our future and what we want to achieve, the one most important point being that we want to work on what we want. Lo and behold, Rahul Ranjan starts telling us about GSoC and what it tends to achieve. Well we all were quite impressed, but nobody just steps up and does something. We all went still with the unknown, booted up our screens, and started playing CS. However, we came back to our discussion, and started up our web browsers and started searching on GSoC. We have our lovely Quora to thank for giving us the true experiences of various users. That led our minds on a journey thinking what if our friends also do something like this, so we went and talked to a bunch of them. Alas, no one knew of its wonders, the next week we met up again and we decided to form a club to inform others about this and similar stuff.

However, what came into our mind the foremost was the backing power, well our heavenly Internet again came to the rescue. Behold, from the first result we learnt about the Webmaker Kitchen Party, taking place at Allahabad hosted by ReMo Shahid Farooqui. Four of us went there, and we discussed with him about our college, and that led to the establishment of our club. The idea was quite fresh for our college environment, where Open Source contribution was a farcry.

So we put together a teams consisting of Mozillians Rahul Ranjan(Club Lead, RMA), Aditya Chaturvedi, Ankit Goswami, Charul Agarwal, Jatin Mehta, Sunil Rana, Ashoka Chandra Wardhan, Atul Kumar Verma, Pawan Burnwal, Sachin Chopra, Abhishek Menon, Anurag Das, Aayoushee Garg, Vishnu Ks. After much consideration, and keeping the enthusiasm and timeline in mind, we decided that in February ’14 an event must be held, that would mark the inception of the club as well as introduce the crowd here to the Open Source community.

After a lot of persuasion and persistence, we finally achieved the permission letter from our college administration to organize the event in the Auditorium. We were happy, but alas we were pennyless. So, we took out our pens to draft a letter to Mozilla Rep Kate Naszradi for approval of funding for our event. There were a lot of revisions that took place on the letter alone. However, we were succesful in getting the funding, and we worked on the event with a new vigor.

Then came the daunting task of designing an effective poster for propogating our Mozcafe. We nearly pulled our hair off in frustration when it came to poster-designing, deciding on the perfect poster that described our event, yet was so visually appealing that people took a moment to read the whole thing. Finally, Rahul came up with a design, that was quite cool as well as perfect for the event.

Poster for MozCafe

If still not sure how we thought it to be perfect, well what we thought was, as smoke can’t be trapped truly, so can’t be the open culture. Whatever may occur, there would always be one strain of developers, working to eradicate the tyranny of the oppressors.

Another open source empire came to our help, one which we all use like its the true internet. With the help of Google Forms and Docs, we were prepared for jotting down the participation for the event. The event was announced in a major number of forums, Facebook Groups and pages. Thus, a quite large number of people registered for the event. Seeing the responses, we took a rough estimate of about 400 attendants, and things planned according to that.

Well here came the day that we would be tested to our brims, and where we learn about the workings of the real world. All the respondents were not there, but still we were proud of the fact, that 75% of them reported at our venue. So started, the event with a lot of enthusiastic faces all around.

With Aayoushee and Anurag taking the stage, we started with a reference to a geek’s beloved movie, The Matrix. They entertained the crowd, and told about what was to come. They then handed over the stage to ReMo Shahid. He told us about the Mozilla Foundation and how it has been helping the users reach the Internet. Then he gave a description about the various projects under Mozilla Foundation. He gave away goodies. One was given to the person who had Firefox Mobile on his Android Smartphone. While the other was bagged by a person explaining about Thunderbird. The questionnaire round seemed quite wonderful where a lot of people cleared there doubts about various Mozilla Products.

Then after a few quirky comments by our anchors again, the stage was handed over to Abhishek and Vishnu to use visual medium of video to tell the people about Open Source. Well the video was well received and you can hear quite a number of whispers applauding them. They then fired of a couple of quick questions, and more goodies were distributed. Video

Then we called upon the stage Charul to tell us about her experience as a pursuer of GSoC ’14. Well the people listened quite intently as they had just been told they get to earn to do what they love. The OPW seemed a nice idea, and we are sure many more girls from our college would apply for that. The talk proved quite a success, judging from the questions asked just after the talk and even quite a lot of round-up questions throughout the event.

The stage was retook by our beloved anchors, and they had a question that led everyone to think about how much open source do they use without even thinking. Then Jatin was invited to talk about the upcoming project from Mozilla, Firefox OS, that tends to revolutionize the mobile world again like the works of Android OS. We do think that a web based OS however good, in developed countries quite useful, however in others, due to low coverage of networks, can take some amount of time to be truly effective.

Next we invited our club lead Rahul and Aditya to tell us about how to contribute and about revision control systems. They told about GitHub and how you can apply various commands to the same. Also we were given a live viewing of the process for patch requests, editing and etc. Also we were told about the wonders of IRC, and how they connect us to the community and other developers and mentors. A hack was told to use IRC even when due to proxy servers, the application for IRC doesn’t work. Slide

We all have heard about the wonders of Blogging. Many of us didn’t give it a second thought, thinking it was for those superficial ones who had nothing better to do the whole day than just write about their daily boring life. However, there comes Ankit Goswami to shatter those beliefs and tell us the true powers of blogging, and how it can be used to better yourself and to help others through some fender benders. Alas, blogging does need you to be a good writer, so he also tells us about some tools and stuff to help you along with your journey. SEO being one of the primary ones that are widely used, but still quite an effective tool. Slide

Well we closed off our event, with a final video that gave a overview of the event, and invigorated a belief in everyone to work on open source and contribute as much as able.

Oh wait, I forgot to tell you about one nifty idea of ours, the IDEA BOARD, we asked everyone to fill in those sticky notes telling us about what they would like to work on in the future. Some were so funny that they gave us quite a laugh (Play DOTA was one of them), while some took us into a brain ride thinking about the creativity of the people, that ends up being oppressed.

After that refreshments were distributed to all the people, under the guidance of Ashoka. The staff of the auditorium were thanked profusely for their contribution to the event and asked to join us for refreshments. The ALC team of our college also proved to be a major contributing factor for the success of the event and a major thanks goes to them again from our side.


For the highlights of the event visit Highlights

By IIITA Firefox Club 

The ‘Free vs Open’ dilemma


People often get confused when they think or are asked about Free Software and Open Source Software. They both sound the same, don’t they ? That’s the reason why these two terms are used interchangeably. But, there is a difference between the two.

To start with, Free Software distribution is done under the Free Software Movement, headed by the Free Software Foundation (an organization for fund-raising for GNU). Here, the source program can be distributed across different platforms, in its compiled form as well as in modified form. The source code can be used for studying, modifying and even redistributing the modified source code is permitted. It gives the user the freedom to use the program for any reason, as long as it is under General Public License (GPL). The modifications made by one author to the source code must also be made available to the community. Now once the program is “opened” to the community, it cannot be “closed”, until every author (including those who made even the slightest modification) provides his/her consent.

So, free software can be free for distribution purposes, but you can be charged for the source code. Sounds absurd, right ? Well, the vendor may give you liberties regarding the compiled program, but to have liberties for the source code, they can make you pay for it.

Open Source software, on the other hand, was a term that was coined in 1998, as a substitute for Free Software. The naivety of the media caused the public into believing that shareware, freeware and open-source software were all one and the same thing. While they were different terms.

Open Source Initiative (OSI) is an organization that exists to support the open source software movement. Under it, the source code as well as the compiled program is redistributable. Since, it does not have its own specific license, it allows companies to create their own licenses and have them certified by the OSI. Most of the companies which do not want their software to be released under the GPU license, go for the open source option.

Free Software foundation uses a specific license and provides softwares under that license.

OSI, on the other hand, reaches out for the support of company wanting to publish software under its very own license.

BSD, one such license approved by OSI, puts forwards conditions under which the source code may be made available to the user. If the source code is damaged, or used in an inappropriate manner, the author of the source code is well compensated.

While both Free Software distribution and the Open Source Initiative may differ in approach and ideologies, they are converging towards one common goal – providing free and open source software (FOSS).

The countdown begins


       Well here we are a week away from the opening event to the heights of Asgard, and let me tell you we are that busy planning that even our assignments are being done by our friends/brothers-in-arms. Going by the response we are thinking that it would not be less than an apocalypse, and to control it would be quite a feat.

       All the events have been accounted for and, all the boxes crossed off. The only thing left for you is to be there in body and mind. Or as Linus Torvalds says “In real open source, you have the right to control your own destiny”, so be there to take control of your destiny and freedom.

       Learn about sharing and the joys of GitHub that have helped many a project go off into the starlight of brilliance and achievement. Be there to learn about the power you get from the Mozilla Products that are so diverse that it would take a lifetime to learn about all the nooks and crooks of every single one of them, and as they keep advancing well probably never quite the lot. Be there to learn how to earn income the way we all have heard of, i.e. blogging, that we never truly got the hang of. Learn about how you can do your internship this summer doing what you like and without the bureaucratic melodrama that we are all so tired of.

     Well this is where I begin the countdown…

6 days and some measly hours to go by.

See you all there to TAKE CONTROL!!!





Hi all,

         The days are stepping away and we are much closer to our first event “MOZCAFE” scheduled on      23rd of this month. We step one step closer, but the sky is the limit for our endeavor.

                                   The second meet-up of the minds transpired on 13th February to discuss the pathways and what we as a whole have to work towards regarding the future. There were many questions that were to be clarified, stones that had to be unturned, and mysteries to be unraveled in our future journey. And we are on our way ahead to accomplish our goal.

       We love decentralization and hence there we were giving responsibilities to one and all, looking to pave a way and enable people come out of their shells to be what they are meant to be. Many of the leads already are experienced and motivational and let me tell you, we came to realize many unknown truths about things we were doing wrong.

       Enough about the day, lets get back to the topic on hand, what we assembled to discuss, the start of the foundation of our footprint, “MozCafe”. As Plato says “The beginning is the most important part of the work”, and lo and behold there we were burning the midnight oil to try and make the event a grand opener unlike other.  However don’t take our words to mean that we had no fun. It was a fun atmosphere regardless of the bounds of the junior-senior predicament. Many secrets were divulged and many more ties made amongst us. There were some laughs abound, sometimes at mercy of one of us, and sometimes they were there just there for no reason at all.

                                   OK, seriously, this is where I tell you about the event, so open your minds to the force and listen closely. Leading the event will be ReMo Shahid Farooqui to talk on Mozilla OS and various other projects of Mozilla. You might think you know enough about them, but THE OPEN is unprecedented, so there will be a tidbit even for the most experienced veterans. Internships are something we all love to get, but curiously enough seldom do we get them in the field we desire, so get ready to learn about how to do the same with the power of GSoC in your hands. Sadly, VCSs aren’t that known or used outside of the truly gifted circles or the industrial world, so get ready to be known with the use of GitHub. Just imagine yourself to be a person who buys software and later on after few months finds that a newer version of that software has arrived in the market. Well, you will totally get frustrated and will again have to waste more money to get the new software. So here comes the need of open source software. Last but not the least, we have all learnt of the wonders of Blogging, but seldom do we know the tricks to use them effectively, so get ready to unlock the mysteries hidden deep beneath the trenches of Mordor.

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 So continuing our endeavor to promote open source, we need your support. Well that is all for today, till we meet again…




Introduction To Firefox OS


The best open source organization in the world had created an amazing mobile-based platform where you can rediscover your smartphone experience with blazing speed, flawless multi-tasking and smooth and user-friendly interface. Jazz up your smartphone with this new innovative OS. And you know what, you can get it in your android smartphone right now!

To know more,
click on the link below…

Members Meeting.


imagesFirefox club Day#1:

Hey guys! It was our first meeting today and we came up with our agenda for 2014.

List of events 2014:

1. Mozilla add-on designing (March)
2. Web designing (July)
3. Logo designing (August)
4. Video editing (September)
5. Thimble (October)
6. Hackathon (November)

We are looking forward for an interactive session with our iiitians to inform you about these events and a representative from Mozilla will brief you on how you can contribute to Mozilla. And you guys, rest assured, will be benefited.

The info about the dates and events will be updated soon..

“Promote open source!”